Saturday, February 9, 2013

Genetic Roulette: GMO's Unhealthy and Unsafe For All

Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives Website link:

This is a really good movie to watch if you are not already in the "know". If you are it still is good to watch and pass on to others. I have experienced and seen what is talked about and it continues to make me sick to think about it. In the end it is all about money and getting rid of 'their' hazardous waste, while making a huge profit off of  humanity in general, nature, and Gaia. This has not been going on just in the past 20 to 60 years. Big corporations have been making big profits off of their 'by-products since the early 1800s and the industrial revolution while making the rest of the earth and her inhabitants sick.

 Genetics has it's place in breeding programs of animals and plants while selecting based on performance and desirable traits that work within the environment those organisms live. Mother nature helps us there if we pay attention and teaches us at the same time. Where people abuse genetics is in the gene splicing. Taking a section of DNA cutting it out of one organism to be placed in another. That is what GMO plants and animals are.

The blame sits upon not only the big biotech and pharmaceutical corporations; but also the people in our government who allow this to go on because of being 'paid off'. It's time to fire and kick out those who do not look out for "we the people" and Earth's best interests when it comes to health, food, etc.

They don't just stop with the two most Genetically modified crops corn and soy. They keep going with BGH in milk, GMO salmon, canola, cotton, and the list goes on. I seen Monsanto has been trying off and on to GMO wheat and get it introduced or should I say pushed on the general public since 2004. Wheat is the most widely and versatile grain grown overall the world. If they succeed then that would be mass population reduction. GMO grains do not stay 'contained' within the environment they are grown they cross pollinate by wind like in corn and seeds get distributed by birds, animals, and by other means. Monsanto knows this and uses it to their advantage to destroy the farmers that produce organic and heritage plants and seed.

It is high time to put them out of business. Grow your own food if you can, buy locally, buy sustainable and organic, buy whole foods not processed, and get to know your farmer. Who are they, how do they raise the crops and animals you eat. Do they have respect not only for others but nature, the animals, plants, soil, and Gaia. We are all one and we all depend on each for our lively hood, survival, and good health. Start supporting the most important beings on this earth including her.

Here is a group you can follow to keep up on GMOs, etc. Website: If you know of other organizations around the world please let me know in the comments section. Thanks!!

Love and Light


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